Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Birthday and Christmas

December was a big month for the Henry crew...

December 3rd marked our little man's 1st birthday! It's so hard to believe that the year went by so fast, if only the pregnancy would go by that fast!!! We celebrated by driving back to Wisconsin during a horrible snow storm in every state EXCEPT Wisconsin! Carter was a great little traveler, while mom and dad on the other hand were a little stressed and anxious about the weather situation. Carter's party was held at the Americinn Splashland and boy did he enjoy that- he took right to the water and it seemed like he actually remembered some of what he learned in swimming lessons!  We had lots of fun playing in the pool with all our friends and then afterwards we had pizza and cake and then opened presents! Carter got lots of great toys that he is still enjoying!! It was so great getting to see everyone and thank you to everyone who helped celebrate our little man's 1st birthday- you all made it a very memorable one!

We were in WI for two weeks and had a great visit- but as always, never enough time to do everything we wanted! Carter and I will be flying back in July for a week so that the little man can experience Lake Superior- not froze! Hopefully, we will get to do some stuff we weren't able to do in December!

Carter enjoyed his first christmas at our home- he was quite fascinated by the tree, but thankfully, never tried to pull it over or take down any decorations. We enjoyed the holidays by having grandma and grandpa come down christmas morning and have breakfast with us and open some of his presents.  We then Skyped 'nana' and Dennis so that they could watch Carter open his presents from them. Carter made out so well, that it took ALL day to open everything. Some highlights of gifts he got were: a new Radio Flyer wagon, Dino the Dino, building blocks with a table and my old bouncy horse, Bingo!

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